Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Project 10 100

project 10 100

If you could suggest a unique idea that would help as many people as possible, what would it be? It's a question worth considering. Never in history have so many people had so much
We will never have peace as long as governments and banks continue to flood us with counterfeit money! We need only turn away from money and turn to each other in brotherhood love
Tuesday, September 23, 2008 Google’s Project 10 to the 100. As part of their 10 year anniversary â€" in 1998, Andy Bechtolsheim made out a $100,000 check to Google Inc
Project 10 to the 100th is a call for ideas to change the world by helping as many people as possible.
Now you can see how a small and simple idea has a brilliant effect. It is like you invented the wheel, so simple and so important . Coca cola has the posibility and through the
Google's 10th anniversary seems to be driving the company towards more introspection and philanthropy. Today, Google announced Project 10^100, through which the company is
Called Project 10^100, Google's initiative will seek ideas from the public ; People are encouraged to submit their ideas online through October 20
lets all crash the financial system by not using official currencies anymore while banning fractional banking, debt trading commerce and every private owned central bank in the
I must say I am surprised at some of the comments that have already been left here. I would think a community like HN would be excited to see a project come out of the woodwork

Irish ring


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